Our Auxiliaries
We thank and praise the Lord Jesus for the auxiliary leaders who work together to effectively lead the various teams which make our ministry what it is today. Please support them with your prayers and encouragement.
If you are a member of this church and would like to serve in any of the auxiliaries, please download and fill out the Volunteer Information Sheet attached to this page and discuss your interests, skills and qualifications with our auxiliary leader.
Auxiliary Leaders
Prayer is, without a doubt, the heartbeat of our church. The team meets frequently to pray.
Super Class is the Christian Education arm of our ministry.
Members of the Praise Team are mandated to usher in the presence of the Lord.
The Musicians are an integral part of all of our services.
Our ministry is given to Hospitality and it is our pleasure to serve the people of God with excellence.
The Social Media And Response Team (SMART) keeps our friends, followers and parishioners informed.
Our exciting dance troupe, Chosen Hands, also ministers using sign language for the hearing impaired.
The Training & Volunteer coordinator also arranges seminars and makes us aware of self development and community involvement opportunities.
Through our various Outreach efforts we support our local community shelters, pregnancy centres and food banks.
The brotherhood department, Men & Brethren, is developing godly men.
Our Ladies' President uses various means through Sisters Inspiring Sisters (S.IS), to connect the women in our church.
Chosen Youth is our energetic young people's department.