Join Our Church
Being a member of the church of Jesus Christ is more than simply belonging to a local group of Christian believers. Rather, it is a systematic preparation undertaken by the individual to meet the Lord Jesus and to live forever in His presence in heaven.
You automatically become a member of Chosen Generation Ministries if you received instructions and water baptism under the auspices of this ministry.
If you are from another assembly, review the information below and contact us.
First, get to know us
We strongly recommend that you visit our services more than once, so as to get a feel of who we are and how things are done at Chosen Generation Ministries.
We worship with exuberance and godly expression.
We play musical instruments in our worship services.
We are enthusiastic about the Bible so we teach, preach and live its dictates.
We simply love the Lord Jesus and our worship reflects our reverence for His Holy presence among us.
Check out our beliefs
Familiarize yourself with our beliefs.
We believe the Bible is inerrant in its original text and is the very Word of God.
We believe that there is only one God.
We believe that Jesus is fully God manifested in flesh.
We believe that for sins to be remitted one must be baptized in water in the "Name of Jesus".
We believe that it is essential to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, initially evidenced with the speaking in tongues.
We believe a born again saint must live a sanctified life and be in fellowship with other saints of like precious faith in a local church.
If your doctrinal beliefs are similar to ours, arrange to meet with our pastor to discuss your membership qualifications.
Salvation is a journey
If you have not yet begun your walk with the Lord, or perhaps your doctrinal beliefs differ from ours, let us know and we will schedule one of our ministers to speak with you.
The Bible teaches that for one's sins to be initially remitted, he or she must:
repent of all personal sins
be baptized in water in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins
receive the gift of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:46-47; John 3:5-7; Acts 2:38-39
Engage for Greater
The promises of God are written in His Book, the Bible.
All the promises are God are available to all, because God is no respecter of persons.
However, to receive the fullness of the promises, we must be fully engaged in the Word of God.
We commit as a congregation, that in 2022, we will engage together for Greater!
i - this means 'I, you, me, us' and also 'intentional', leaving nothing to chance. We aim to be prayerfully strategic and deliberate as we strive.
G - our first aim is always to Give God Glory in all that we do. Whatever we plan to do this year, we give serious thought to ensure that God will be well pleased.
R - our Relationship builders are connection, communication, consistency and care. We seek to connect with the folks in our care even outside of service times.
O - Outreach. We have done a few things in the past, but more opportunities available.
W - we continue to stand upon the Word of God.